Sunday, September 28, 2014

New Hub on the Roman Month

I've published a new Hub on Roman time reckoning - The Roman Month: Hours, Days, Nundinae, Kalends, Nones and Ides  I'm thinking of making it part of a series on Roman everyday life, religion, festivals etc.
I'm sure that kind of thing will be useful to people researching for school projects and the like as well as those who just have an interest or are reading or writing historical fiction. The site seems to have gone into hibernation mode for the Sunday so I shall see how the hub seems to fare in the week.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Bubblews: A New Ongoing Project

The development of the Greek Myth website The Garden of the Hesperides remains a work in progress, in conjunction with accompanying ebooks.

Meanwhile, I've also joined a new quick and easy content site Bubblews. This is a site which encourages numerous small posts on a range of topics including diary-like observations on one's day, recipes, news items and statements on the meaning of life. The revenue model seems simple and satisfying - a cent for every view, a cent for every like, and a cent for every time someone comments on your post. You are eligible for a payout as soon as you reach the $50 mark.

Naturally, it's an internal sort of world of people liking and following each other. It seems a not unpleasant and easy way to make a few dollars here and there and I've found its no pressure, informal setting makes it easy to experiment with writing on a wider range of subjects. I'll report back after I've used the site for a while and have more of an overview.

Meanwhile, Hubpages continues to generate a small but steady income. I've had quite a surge in hits this September, which I'm guessing is due to students going back to school and college all over the world and needing to brush up on their mythology. I'm finding still that some Hubs are getting many more hits than others equally good, which are getting virtually ignored. Perhaps when I've mastered the Dark Arts of keyword research and other arcana I shall be better able to predict which topics will glean more attention from the world...